First thing first, you should know how to read an Inch Tape.

  • Each inch (denoted as “) has 8 fractions, which we call ‘Fraction of an Inch’ i.e., 1/8, ¼, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, ¾, 7/8, and 1.


  • During rate calculation of custom glass and mirrors, we will use measurements in inches and fractions of an inch on this website.


  • For example, 12  1/8 inches will be; 12 inches and 1/8th Fraction of an Inch.

Yo, I don't have an Inch Tape.

  • No worries! For mm or cm to inch conversion please click here.

Glass Weight Calculator

Glass Weight Calculator

Select Glass Thickness

Select Glass Shape

Square Dimensions (in inch)

Calculated Result

Total Glass Weight: 22.29 Kg

Glass Configuration
Pane 1: 6 mm - Annealed
Pane 2: 7.5 mm - Laminated
Pane 3: 7.5 mm - Laminated
Width: 4.23 m
Height: 0.23 m
Area: 0.50 m2
Pane 1: 7.43 Kg
Pane 2: 7.43 Kg
Pane 3: 7.43 Kg